In Which Season Do Carrots Grow and Carrot Growing Methods

Carrots (Daucus carota) are known as cool climate vegetables and grow best in the fall and spring seasons. Their seeds can be planted in early spring or late summer, so the roots develop in cool weather conditions and have a sweet, crispy texture when harvest time comes. Carrots, which love cool climates, can have a fibrous structure when ripening in high temperatures and their flavor may decrease.

In Turkey, carrots are generally grown in the Central Anatolia and Mediterranean regions. Since winter months are colder in Central Anatolia, carrots are planted in late summer and harvested in autumn. In the Mediterranean Region, they can be planted later in the winter months with the advantage of a mild climate and harvested in spring.


Carrot Growing Conditions


Carrots are quite sensitive in terms of growing conditions. This plant is a root vegetable grown directly in the soil and requires deep, stone-free and well-drained soil for its long, regular root structure. It grows healthier in light, sandy loam soils. The pH level should be between 6.0-6.8. These conditions allow carrots to avoid root deformation and take a more regular shape. Inadequate drainage or stony soils can negatively affect carrot development.


Carrot Soil Preparation


Soil preparation is of great importance for growing carrots. Before planting seeds, the soil should be processed to a depth of 20-30 cm and stones should be removed. Too much organic matter in the soil can cause carrot roots to split, so excessive amounts of fertilizer should not be used before planting. In addition, since carrot seeds are quite small, the surface of the soil should have a smooth and fine texture.

When preparing the soil, the soil can be supported with organic matter, but compost should be used instead of fresh manure. Compost improves the structure of the soil and increases drainage.


Carrot Planting Method


Carrot seeds are directly planted in open areas. The planting depth should be 1-1.5 cm and the distance between the rows should be arranged to be approximately 20-30 cm. Seeds can be planted by the scattering method, but planting in rows is more suitable for more controlled growth. After planting, the soil surface is lightly pressed to ensure that the seeds come into contact with the soil. Regular irrigation should be done after planting, because carrot seeds can take 2-3 weeks to germinate, and the soil should be kept moist during this period.


Carrot Care and Irrigation


Regular maintenance is essential for healthy carrot growth. It is important to remove weeds in the first weeks, because weeds can prevent carrot seeds from germinating. In addition, the soil should be kept constantly moist during root development. However, excessive irrigation can cause the soil to compact, negatively affecting the development of the roots. When watering, care should be taken to ensure that the water reaches the soil depth, taking into account the deep root structure.


Carrot Fertilization


In carrot cultivation, fertilization should be done carefully according to the developmental stage of the plant. Excessive amounts of nitrogenous fertilizer should not be given during soil preparation; because nitrogen can cause the roots to bifurcate and deform. It is generally preferred to add fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium to the soil. Compost with low nitrogen content or matured fertilizer can be mixed into the soil before planting.

Phosphorus plays an important role in the root structure of the plant and increases yield during maturity. Potassium supports the plant's resistance and taste development. It is recommended that fertilization be done in a controlled manner according to the growth phase of the plant and stopped approximately 4-6 weeks before harvest.


In Which Season Are Carrots Harvested?


Carrots are ready to be harvested 60-80 days after planting. Harvest should be done when the roots reach sufficient size. When harvesting carrots, care should be taken not to damage the roots, and the roots should be gently pulled by moistening and softening the soil.


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